About Us

Our Club is established to promote the civic, cultural, and charitable interests of its members and to encourage fellowship among us. We strive to preserve the ideals, customs, traditions, and heritage which we received from our native Lebanon and to inculcate in our members a deeper knowledge and appreciation of these principles.

Who are the Phoenicians?

The Phoenicians were not a nation in the political sense, but were organized into independent city states that shared a common language and culture. The leading city states were Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos. Rivalries were common, but armed conflict rare.

Major cities include

• Tyre – One of the two leading-city states of Phoenicia and one of the most important ports in ancient Phoenicia, and Lebanon today

• Sydon – One of the two leading city-states of Phoenicia

• Ampi • Amia • Arqa • Baalbek • Botrys • Berut

• Gebal – One of the oldest sites of civilization

• Sarepta • Tripoli, Lebanon

They are famed for their commercial and maritime prowess and are recognized as having established harbors, trading posts and settlements throughout the Mediterranean basin.
Phoenicia was nobody’s political pawn. The Phoenicians, it transpires, were the go-to people when the rulers of the superpowers needed money, ships and technical know-how. They were the international businessmen of their day, revolutionizing long-distance exchange and redefining the boundaries of the ancient world. (From A Short History of the Phoenicians by Mark Woolmer).

Ship Making
The accomplishment that helped modern day human was the alphabet. Without the alphabet we would still be figuring out how to spell and write. Are writing wouldn’t be as good as it is now without Phoenicians.

Crafts Making
Crafts making was a big part of the Phoenicians because they able to use accessible resources. One of their accessible resource was glass making. The Phoenicians did not invent glass. However, a Phoenician glass maker invented the free-blowing technique . The second source ivory carving which craftsmen are mostly known for. Ivory includes furniture such as chairs, thrones, footstools, and beds.

Purple Dye
The Phoenicians named in greek means purple men. The greek gave them the name because they made purple dye. The purple dye was found in the Mediterranean Sea. Purple dye is extracted from a rock. The rock is called Tyrian purple. The dye was exquisite and extravagant on the affluent people could afford it. They squeezed Murex snails.

The alphabet consisted of 22 letters. The letters did not have any vowels. Every symbol represented a sound. Since the Phoenicians traveled a lot other countries adopted the alphabet. Later civilization started using alphabetic system. There are different sounds of speech any word can be written using a system of 30 letters or less.

The Phoenicians were the greatest traders in ancient times had traded around the Mediterranean border. They had trading post around the Phoenician colonization. Some of the trading post in Cartage, Cadiz, Cyprus and Rhodes. The traded ivory, cedar wood, wine , embroidered cloth ,wood carvings, pottery, and metal. (From Clayton McLaren December 10, 2014).